Important Note Regarding Articles & Book Reviews
At our 2024 Annual Conference, the Executive Committee unanimously affirmed that the Journal of the International Society of Christian Apologetics does not and will not accept article or book review submissions from any author that is part of a doctoral degree requirement in lieu of writing a formal doctoral dissertation or D.Min. project.
About the Journal
The Journal of the International Society of Christian Apologetics is a peer-reviewed journal published annually with the support of the International Society of Christian Apologetics to foster scholarly discussion of ideas among evangelical scholars relevant to the defense of the Christian Faith. It includes articles from a wide variety of apologetically relevant fields, including philosophy, ethics, theology, biblical studies, history, and missions.
Subscriptions & Previous Editions
Beginning June 17, 2024, everyone has full access to electronic copies of all of the JISCA volumes from 2008 to the present.
Volumes from 2018 to the present are available through in softcover paperback print and Kindle e-book formats for those who wish to have a physical copy.

Would you like to have your article or book review considered for publication?
Guidelines for Articles and Book Reviews
- Articles and/or book reviews can be submitted directly to the Journal Editor. Go to the bottom of this page.
- Please submit your articles as Microsoft Word documents in .docx.
- All manuscripts must conform to the Chicago Manual of Style. (See
- We are eager to publish scholarly papers written for a scholarly audience by experts in a wide variety of disciplines. While we are not interested in publishing popular-level articles, we also hope the level of writing is accessible to audiences who may not have expertise in the field of study being explored.
- We do not have a word count maximum for articles and book reviews. However, we do require that the submission adequately cover its subject before submission.
- The content must be fully harmonious with the ISCA doctrinal statement and the creeds and documents that clarify and expand the statement. This includes an uncompromising stance on the Bible's authority, inspiration, infallibility, and inerrancy. We want our Journal to show the world not only that scholars who hold to biblical inerrancy are capable of great scholarship but that holding to biblical inerrancy is actually a boon to great scholarship.
- We are open to considering articles that have been previously published elsewhere. The author of the article is responsible for having the copyright holder email the editor directly, granting permission to republish the article.
- The Journal Editor reserves the right to notify any academic institution that the author is associated with if an article submission contains plagiarized or content not authorized for reprinting.
- Once the Editor receives a submission, it will be prepared for blind review before it is sent to our peer-reviewer team. The peer review team decides which articles should be included in the JISCA.
- Authors maintain the copyright of their article after published in the JISCA.
- For further inquiries concerning potential submissions, please contact the Journal Editor directly. See the current officers' page for email information.