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What Is the Gospel?

"But now, apart from the law, the righteousness of God has been revealed, as attested by the Law and the Prophets. And this righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no distinction, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. God presented Him as the atoning sacrifice through faith in His blood, in order to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance He had passed over the sins committed beforehand. He did this to demonstrate His righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and to justify the one who has faith in Jesus."

—Rom. 3:21-26



  • The Passion of Christ by Thomas Adams
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    A tract about Jesus Christ.

  • Righteousness for the Unrighteous by Claude Duval Cole
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    According to the author, if he had one sermon to preach to the whole world, the message would show how an unrighteous man may become righteous before God. He goes on to describe the universal unrighteousness of men and their obligation to obey all of God’s law, pointing out that without perfect obedience the sinner could only be saved at the expense of justice. If sinners are saved then, it must be through a plan where God remains just and yet justifies the ungodly. And so it was that Christ kept the law perfectly and paid its penalty fully for His people so that they might be declared righteous. The author pleads with his readers, “If you are lost, let me urge you to acknowledge before God and men that you have no righteousness of your own, and trust Christ for the righteousness God has provided in Him.”

  • Christ and the World by Horatius Bonar
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    Bonar shows us the emptiness of this world. He brings a stern warning to all who think they can love both God and the world. Their hope is vain. "Let such a man know that, in his present half-worldly, half-religious condition, he has no real religion at all...Give up thy fond idea of securing both earth and heaven. Go straight to Calvary; there be thou crucified to the world, and world to thee, by the cross of Christ."

  • Everlasting Righteousness by Horatius Bonar
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    The Everlasting Righteousness gets right to the heart of the gospel of Jesus Christ. How can sinful people be right before a holy God? God’s inflexible justice demands a perfect righteousness in His creatures; only the everlasting righteousness of the Son of God will suffice! His is sufficient because it is that of God Himself. When a sinner believes on Christ the Savior, his record of sins is erased on the basis of the substitutionary work of Christ on the cross, and Christ’s righteousness is freely reckoned to his account. This priceless gift is granted freely to the one who places his faith in the Person of Christ, not in his own merits, graces, or even faith itself. The sufficient righteousness of Christ is the safe ground of peace and joy for the believer, as he looks not at anything in himself but the all-sufficient Lamb of God! 

  • Jesus Only by Horatius Bonar
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    Christ is sufficient for His people. Salvation is by faith in Christ, not by our religious deeds or spirituality, not by keeping the Law, but by simple faith--resting in the Lord Jesus! A simple, Biblical encouragement to rest your hope fully in Him.

  • The Righteousness of God by Horatius Bonar
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    Horatius Bonar examines the righteousness of God and justification by faith. On the very first page he describes mankind’s problem: “The Law cannot give a righteousness; it is merely a declaration of what righteousness is. It condemns; it cannot justify.” He goes on to declare that there is a righteousness “which meets the case of the unrighteous in every part.” How can we characterize this righteousness? Among other things, it is the righteousness of God, a righteousness without the law, a righteousness to which the Scriptures bear witness, and a righteousness perfectly suited to the unrighteous. Bonar then turns to justification by faith, pointing out that it is God who justifies the ungodly with a righteous, complete, irreversible, and divine justification. Finally, he warns that those who perish because they reject the offer of God’s righteousness have no one but themselves to blame. 

  • The Sin Bearer by Horatius Bonar
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    In The Sin Bearer, Bonar looks at Christ as the One who carried our sins and paid for them in His body on the cross. An excellent brief study of the Christian doctrine of salvation in Christ.

  • Christ A Complete Saviour by John Bunyan
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  • Justification by an Imputed Righteousness by John Bunyan
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    A booklet about doctrine.

  • A Vindication of Gospel Truths Opened by John Bunyan
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  • The Work of Jesus Christ as an Advocate by John Bunyan
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  • Prepare to Meet Thy God by Malcolm Eglinton
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    This gospel tract presents the gospel in simple terms, exploring the foundational truths of God as man's Creator, man's sin, and Christ's glorious work.

  • Gospel Humiliation by Ralph Erskine
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    The gospel of Jesus Christ humbles sinners. Erskine explains the means, nature, and application of this saving humiliation of the sinner. He explains that those awakened to a true knowledge of reconciliation to God as found in the gospel of peace are brought by Him to remember their sins and be humbled because of God's great mercy. 

  • Receiving Christ and Walking in Him by Ralph Erskine
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    Here is a wonderful presentation of gospel truth by Ralph Erskine. His presentation of the offer of the gospel explains who the gospel is offered to. He shows what it is to receive Christ by faith. Then he shows how we who have received Christ must show our faith by a living, active obedience. "A gospel faith should have a gospel practice because hereby the beauty of faith appears to others and our light shines before men, so as they, seeing our good works, do glorify God."

  • Entering the Strait Gate by Faith Alone by Edward Fisher
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    Entering the Strait Gate by Faith Alone is an excerpt from The Marrow of Modern Divinity by Edward Fisher (c.1612-c.1657). The Marrow influentially stated the doctrine of unconditional grace, advocating a free offer of the gospel without condition. It was at the center of the later Marrow Controversy.

    Here Fisher gives a dialogue between a gospel minister and struggling souls to correct misconceptions regarding the Law, grace, and works. Fisher urges, "Come to Christ by believing that He will accept of you, justify, and save you freely by His grace, according to His gracious promise. This is neither pride nor presumption: for Christ having tendered and offered it to you freely, believe it, it is true humility of heart to take what Christ offers you."

  • Forgiveness for the Greatest Sinners by John Flavel
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    This is a new evangelistic tract on the power of the blood of Jesus Christ for even the greatest sinner.

  • The Gospel: What Is It? by James A. Haldane
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    In this tract, James Haldane elaborates on five major points concerning the gospel. First, the gospel is good news of pardon to the guilty. Second, the gospel is misunderstood by many who profess to believe, who view it as a “scheme for making up their deficiencies through the merits of Christ,” but this, he says, is “another gospel.” Third, to many who hear the gospel, it is foolishness and a stumbling block, an offense to their pride and they reject it. Fourth, while the gospel is a “proclamation of pardon addressed to sinners without exception…it is the power of God unto salvation only to those who believe,” whose hearts are purified by faith. Fifth, he warns that all who claim to be saved, but do not live soberly and righteously in this present world, and show no fruit, prove their salvation is a delusion.

  • On the Faith of the Gospel by James A. Haldane
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    A tract about faith and repentance.

  • The True Gospel by Robert Hawker
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    A tract about salvation.

  • Obeying the Gospel by I. C. Herendeen
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    A tract about walking with Christ.

  • Justification, The Law, and the Righteousness of Christ by Charles Hodge
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    Justification, the Law, and the Righteousness of Christ introduces one of the most important subjects in the Christian faith: justification. Without this work of God no human being alive could have any hope of being right with God because our sins are so evil—in opposition to the righteous demands of God’s holy Law. Justification is God declaring a believing sinner righteous before Him because of the merit of His Son Jesus. Justification goes beyond merely removing the sinner’s guilt; it clothes him with the very righteousness of Jesus Christ, God’s Son.

  • The Only Savior by Erroll Hulse
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    The Only Savior is a clear and concise exposé of the widespread “tolerance” and “acceptance” of religious ideas. The western world has lost its Judeo-Christian roots in a mad headlong rush into secular Pluralism. Understanding the unique place of Christ in the world is vital to modern Christianity. This title shows Christ as the only way to heaven. Sections include exposition of Acts 4:11-12, other religions’ denial of Christ’s work, and why Christ is the only possible Savior.

  • Christ: The Perfect Representative by Hensworth Jonas
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    Christ: The Perfect Representative presents the present work of Christ our High Priest from Hebrews 7. He is our perfect Advocate Who has an infallible case. We can have confidence because He intercedes for us that He will see us through to the finish line.

  • Justification by Faith Alone by Martin Luther
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    Justification by Faith Alone is Martin Luther’s commentary on the essential truth of how we are declared right with God from Galatians 2:16. This truth was the catalyst for the Reformation, which restored biblical Christianity to Western civilization. By nature we are prone to run to the error of law-keeping in order to earn God’s favor—that is, to seek salvation by doing good works. Luther explains how false teachers deceive many with this error, and clearly proclaims the beauty of how Jesus Christ achieved a perfect righteousness for His people at the cross. Luther champions the true role of God’s free grace in justification by faith alone.

  • What Is It to Preach the Gospel? by Henry Mahan
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  • Christ Receiveth Sinners by Walter Marshall
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    This title by Walter Marshall addresses the error of unsaved souls holding back from receiving salvation; thinking they are not worthy for Christ to receive them for salvation. Marshall proclaims the truth that Christ "loved us in our most loathsome sinful pollution, so as to die for us, and much more will He love us in it, so as to receive us when we come to Him for the purchased salvation." To those who have already received Christ and been received by Him, he gives a call to holiness by continual faith in the grace and Spirit of Christ, not trusting in their own works, but walking by faith in Him.

  • Doctrine of Justification: Opened and Applied by Walter Marshall
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    In a day when the righteousness of God is often ignored and the gospel often compromised, this booklet by Walter Marshall should be heeded as it delineates the nature of our justification before God. Considering justification in light of the totality of Scripture, Marshall tells his readers of the source and practical implications of this justification, noting both the saving and sanctifying effects of this powerful righteousness found in Christ. By this theological foundation, the sum of the gospel itself may be understood. "God, in setting forth Christ to be a propitiation through faith in His blood, aimed to declare His righteousness now under the gospel, for the remission of sins that are past as well as present."

  • Mortification of Sin by John Owen
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    Mortification of Sin is the classic work by John Owen that challenges every believer to apply biblical truth to purify themselves through mortification. To do so, the Christian must learn to recognize the activity and deception of indwelling sin. He must lean upon the Holy Spirit to accomplish the work of mortification. His whole life and comfort in Christ depends on his engaging in this work daily and continually. In two excellent chapters, Owen explains common misconceptions about mortification, and what it actually is. Mortification requires both faith and whole-hearted diligence. The believer is warned about his danger when he allows himself to entertain even small habitual sins. Then Owen challenges the reader to enter the fight at the first sign of sin, to lean upon Christ and the perfect work of the Holy Spirit. “You must be always killing sin, or it will be killing you!”

  • Return to the Gospel: Introductory Essay to the Death of Death by J. I. Packer
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    This Introductory Essay was written for the modern reprinting of John Owen’s The Death of Death in the Death of Christ (available from The Banner of Truth Trust)which first appeared in 1684. But the essay is much more; it is a direct refutation of what has become a watered-down man-centered gospel, and a step in the recovery of the God-centered Gospel contained in the Scriptures. There is no doubt that Evangelicalism today is in a state of perplexity and unsettlement. In such matters as the practice of evangelism, the teaching of holiness, the building up of local church life, the pastor’s dealing with souls and the exercise of discipline, there is evidence of widespread dissatisfaction with things as they are and of equally widespread uncertainty as to the road ahead. Without realizing it, we have during the past century bartered that Gospel for a substitute product which, though it looks similar enough in points of detail, is as a whole a decidedly different thing. The essay will help us in one of the most urgent tasks facing Evangelical Christendom today: the recovery of the Gospel.

  • Another Gospel by A. W. Pink
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    Satan, the “arch-counterfeiter” is promoting his false gospel throughout the world today, especially in our pulpits. Using tactics of peace, prosperity, and human merit he twists God’s Scripture into deceptive words that will condemn many. This small tract will encourage one's study of God’s word to be able to recognize the delusion of our time.

  • The Atoning Sacrifice of Christ by A. W. Pink
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    The Atoning Sacrifice of Christ presents the historic Christian truth: that Christ’s death on the cross was full payment for the sins of His people. In the twentieth century a new doctrine crept into the churches: that Christ died for all the sins of all men. Pink gives expert exposition of the Scriptures, citing all the key verses, to point the reader to the truth.

  • The Doctrine of Human Depravity by A. W. Pink
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    The Doctrine of Human Depravity “is likely to meet with a decidedly mixed reception. Some of our readers will probably be very disappointed when they see the title, deeming the subject quite unattractive…Medicine is proverbially unpleasant, but there are times when all of us find it necessary and beneficial…Surely that which most glorifies God is to declare all His counsel, to insist on that which puts man in his proper place before Him, and to emphasize those portions and aspects of the truth which our generation is most in need of. As we shall endeavour to show, our theme is one of immense doctrinal importance and of great practical value, since it is a subject which occupies so prominent a place in God’s Word. It is our deep conviction that the vital question most requiring to be raised today is this: Is man a totally and thoroughly depraved creature by nature?...According as is our answer to that question, so will be our views on many others…Any attempt to modify or abate, repudiate or tone down the teaching of Scripture thereon is fatal.”—A.W. Pink, from the Introduction

  • The Doctrine of Justification by A. W. Pink
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    A. W. Pink presents a succinct—yet thorough—explanation of the Biblical doctrine of justification. He reveals his motivation for writing up front, declaring that there was a time when justification was one of the best known doctrines of the Christian faith, but among many in his time there was almost total ignorance of this truth. He opens up the doctrine under nine headings: justification’s meaning, its problem, its basis, its nature, its source, its objects, its instrument, its evidence, and its results. In conclusion, Pink points out that while the Christian’s justification is complete the moment he truly believes in Christ, the following distinctions can be noted: justification was decreed from all eternity, was effective when Christ rose from the dead, is actuated when the Christian believes, felt when the Spirit bestows assurance, manifested on the path of obedience, and pronounced by God publicly at the Day of Judgment.

  • Gospel Preaching Commanded by A.W. Pink
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    A tract for the Church.

  • The Grace of God by A. W. Pink
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    In this tract, Pink begins his exposition of the grace of God by emphasizing that it is “a perfection of the Divine character which is exercised only toward the elect.” He goes on to point out that there are three principle characteristics of divine grace. First it is eternal—planned and purposed in eternity before it is imparted in time. Second it is free, for nothing could ever purchase it. Third it is sovereign, because God bestows it upon whom He pleases. Furthermore, all three Persons of the Trinity are involved: God the Father is the Fountain of all grace, God the Son is the only Channel, and the Holy Spirit is the Bestower. Finally, it is a provision for men who are so fallen, corrupt, averse to God, blind, deaf, and “so dead that God Himself must open their graves and lift them into resurrection”!

  • Lord and Saviour by A. W. Pink
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    The gospel message preached today often omits the simple fact that salvation is of "the Lord." Sinners not only need a "personal Savior"; they must lay down the arms of their rebellion and submit to Him as Lord. In this tract, A W Pink calls us to reconsider a shallow view of the gospel and to keep the order right: Christ is our Lord and Savior.

  • The Narrow Way by A. W. Pink
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    This booklet lays out the nature of true discipleship from Matthew 7. The way of faith in Christ is a narrow way, narrow because it militates against our natural inclinations, narrow because it is exclusively to be entered through repenting faith in Christ, and narrow because it is totally at odds with the complacent world around.

  • The Ordained Gospel by A. W. Pink
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    A tract about God's sovereignty.

  • Satan and His Gospel by A. W. Pink
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    A. W. Pink provides a thoroughly biblical description of Satan including his existence as a personal being, his origin, his fall, and his position since he fell. Pink then concentrates on Satan’s counterfeit gospel which so closely resembles the real gospel that multitudes are deceived. It is not revolutionary nor is it obviously heretical, but aims at “peace and unity.” Toning down the true gospel’s offensive doctrines and smoothing its rough edges, Satan’s gospel has great appeal to the carnal mind. Sadly, many who are deluded by it will in the end hear the most terrifying words, “I never knew you; depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” Pink concludes with timely advice for us all, “How necessary it is then to find out where we really are; to examine ourselves and see whether we be in the faith.”

  • The Seven Sayings of the Saviour by A. W. Pink
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    An inspiring study of Christ's words from the Cross. The word of forgiveness - "Father, forgive them." The word of salvation - "Today thou shalt be with Me in paradise." The word of affection - "Behold thy mother." The word of anguish - "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" The word of suffering - "I thirst." The word of victory - "It is finished." The word of contentment - "Into Thy hands I commit my spirit."

  • The Way of Salvation by A. W. Pink
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  • Neglecting the Gospel by Thomas Shaw B. Reade
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    In the introduction to this tract, Thomas Reade asks the same question that the author of Hebrews asked, "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?" (Heb. 2:3).

    He first points out the obvious: that those who hold infidel principles and who live in a total disregard of religious ordinances, despise the salvation of God. But there are others that, while they do not despise God’s salvation, are simply “neglecters of salvation.”

    According to Reade, this neglect can take three forms:

    1. Living in the allowed indulgence of one known sin.
    2. Building on any other foundation than Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
    3. Preferring an earthly object rather than Jesus Christ.

    Reade warns that any of these should excite alarm and call for strict self-examination.

  • Man's Ruin -- God's Redemption by Lee Roy Shelton Jr.
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    Man's Ruin – God's Redemption gives detailed explanation of Romans 1:16-32 to show the depth of man’s sin and the downward spiral in which he finds himself, ending in eternal separation from God. The last chapters focus on the living hope we have in Christ, the perfect unmerited Substitute provided by God in His love for us. We see that God’s righteous justice require penalty for sin, that man is incapable of paying for it himself apart from his own death, that a perfect Substitute was provided in Christ at the cross, that man must have holiness in order to stand before God, and that this holiness is found only in Christ.

  • Reconciliation - Man's Greatest Need by Lee Roy Shelton Jr.
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    Reconciliation: Man’s Greatest Need digs deep into the root of humanity’s real problem, alienation from God because of sin, and into its cure, reconciliation through the work of Christ. 

  • True vs. False Gospel by Lee Roy Shelton Jr.
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    The True Gospel of Christ versus the False Gospel of Carnal Christianity examines in detail the common modern message sometimes called “easy-believism,” where justification in Christ is presented without mention of one’s responsibility to forsake sin and live set apart from the world. This gospel holds that one may “make a decision” to “receive Christ,” without bowing to His authority over one’s life. The problem is that many conclude: “a little sin won’t hurt—I’m just carnal, and God has saved me any way.” This false gospel leaves the professing Christian without any power over sin and a false confidence in heaven, even to the point of resisting calls to repent because “I don’t need to; I’m already saved.” Romans 6 is used to develop a Biblical understanding of self-denial, and passages in 1 and 2 Timothy are used to explain the deceitful nature of selfish sin. Finally, the book explores the rich new life provided in the true Gospel of Scripture.

  • The Work of Christ in Our Salvation by Lee Roy Shelton Jr.
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    This booklet unfolds the work of the Lord Jesus Christ in our salvation. It shows first God's eternal purpose in giving us Christ, His Son, as our Substitute; second, the reconciliation that resulted from His substitution; third, Christ as our federal representative in substitution; and fourth, the great truth of imputed righteousness by Christ's substitution. Pastor Shelton ends this booklet by looking at the many gracious invitations that the Word of God gives to poor, needy sinners. "Come; for all things are ready."

  • Doctrines of Grace in the Gospel of John by R. Bruce Steward
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    Study the Gospel of John with this excellent resource. R. Bruce Steward examines the biblical teaching of total depravity, election, the atonement, God’s saving grace, and the perseverance of the saints from the fourth Gospel.  This is an excellent tool for individual Bible study or group learning.

  • Christ Crucified by Charles H. Spurgeon
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    Despised and rejected by Jew and Gentile alike, the cross of Christ stands triumphant over all time. Do you desire to know more of the power and glory of the cross? It is this that made missionaries leave all for Christ, that strengthened martyrs at the stake, and will enable any Christian to live unto God.

  • The Gospel in a Single Verse by Charles H. Spurgeon
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    The Gospel in a Single Verse considers each part of 1 Timothy 1:15 to bring the gospel to today’s reader in Spurgeon’s straightforward style. As “sinners” we need to be “saved,” “Christ Jesus” came as Savior, and He willingly came “into the world” in order to save His people from their sins. Lastly, realizing that Paul considered himself as the “chief” of all sinners brings us to deal realistically with our own sin. Spurgeon exhorts us to take this “gospel-in-a-verse” to heart, and to live our lives for this wonderful Lord!

  • The Heart of the Gospel by Charles H. Spurgeon
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    Preaching in July 1886, Charles Spurgeon begins by stating his theme taken from 2 Corinthians 5:20-21—“The heart of the Gospel is redemption, and the essence of redemption is the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ.” He goes on to identify and elaborate on the central truth of this great doctrine: God has made Christ—who knew no sin—to be sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. Spurgeon winds up with a plea to sinners, “I humbly play the part of an ambassador for Christ, and I beseech you believe in Him and live.”    

  • Jesus Christ Our Righteousness by Charles H. Spurgeon
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    In this booklet, Charles Spurgeon explains that our salvation as believers consists of two parts. The first is that Christ, as our penal substitute, obtained for us forgiveness of sins by His sacrifice on the cross. The second, and less commonly understood, is that we receive the righteousness of Christ based on His perfect obedience to the law. Spurgeon describes it this way, “We therefore assert, believing that Scripture fully warrants us, that the life of Christ constitutes the righteousness in which His people are to be clothed. His death washed away their sins, His life covered them from head to foot; His death was the sacrifice to God, His life was the gift to man, by which man satisfies the demands of the law.” 

  • Jesus, The Substitute for His People by Charles H. Spurgeon
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    No one wants to be condemned. So begins Charles Spurgeon as he opens up Romans 8:34, laying out the reasons why the believer cannot be condemned. “Let me help you,” says Spurgeon, “by refreshing your memory with those precious truths concerning Christ, which show that believers are clear before the Lord.” These are fourfold: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ is seated at the right hand of God, and Christ makes intercession for us. After discussing each of these in detail, he ends with an encouragement for believers, “Go away, ye that love Christ…with the savour of this sweet doctrine on your hearts.” And a warning for unbelievers, “Oh, you who have not trusted Christ, there is present condemnation for you.” Uttering a final plea for unbelievers to trust the crucified Lord, Spurgeon describes the happy outcome, “And with us you shall rejoice that none can condemn you.”

  • Justification by Grace by Charles H. Spurgeon
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    In this sermon Charles Spurgeon explains the nature of justification by grace and it's insoluble connection to Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. Spurgeon divides this topic into three chapters covering 1) Christ's work of redemption, 2) justification as the effect of this redemption, and 3) how justification is applied to the child of God. 

  • The Man Christ Jesus by Charles H. Spurgeon
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    In this sermon on Hebrews 7:4, Spurgeon shows how great Christ is as our mediator, the fulfilment of Melchizedek. Christ is great in his relationship to God, to men, and to His own people. Spurgeon draws from the life of Christ and the work of Christ to exalt the greatness of Christ in His person and saving work for sinners.

  • Our Suffering Substitute by Charles H. Spurgeon
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    The essence of the Christian gospel is Christ's great act of substitution: the Just for the unjust! This compelling message by well-loved pastor Spurgeon explores who our Substitute is, what was His amazing act of substitution, and what the response of every needy sinner must be to it.

  • The Warrant of Faith by Charles H. Spurgeon
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    Spurgeon deals with two questions about faith in this sermon. What is it that a man is to believe in order to eternal life? The faith which saves is a belief in a person, depending upon Jesus for eternal life. What is our warrant for coming to Christ? The gospel command is a sufficient warrant for a sinner to believe in Jesus Christ. This is the commandment, that ye “believe on his Son Jesus Christ.”

  • The Glorious Gospel by Unknown
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    A tract about salvation.

  • God's Gospel of Grace by Various
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    God’s Gospel of Grace is a unique collection of outstanding messages from past centuries on the doctrine of salvation. These authors describe with a unified voice the biblical faith of our fathers. They speak powerfully to the present day with grace-exalting, Christ-centered instruction. Ancient errors dressed in modern theological robes are leading many away from the historic Reformation faith once handed down to Christ’s churches. Our day needs a return to the old paths that lead to everlasting life in Christ Jesus. Feast on the sound doctrine and spiritual nourishment found in these pages.

  • Christ - the Believer's Wisdom, Righteousness, ...and Redemption by George Whitefield
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    A sermon on 1 Corinthians 1:30 -

    “But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made
    unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification,
    and redemption."

Dauntless scholarship in defense of the inerrant Word . . .