Proposed Perfection

The Executive Committee proposed perfection to the Bylaws in writing to the membership concerning §9.2.3 on April 5, 2024, at our Annual Business Meeting. The current rendering reads as follows:


The Founding President, Dr. Norman L. Geisler, shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee of the International Society of Christian Apologetics in perpetuity.


The proposed perfection reads as follows:


The Founding President, Dr. Norman L. Geisler, and any former President who remained in good standing after their term shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee of the International Society of Christian Apologetics in perpetuity with full voting rights.


The proposed perfection passed unanimously by the membership. Only a majority vote was required per the Bylaws for the motion to proceed to the 2025 Annual Business Meeting for a final vote, requiring two-thirds of the membership present to support the perfection to take effect.

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