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Form and Freedom in Francis Schaeffer’s Biblical Defense of Marriage

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Today we are bombarded, it seems daily, by social compromises in regard to marriage and sexuality both within the church and society at large as we hear and see news reports and follow trends on social media. Schaeffer was no stranger to this struggle in his time, as he not only dealt with it first hand on a pastoral level, but also quite often on a personal level with visitors and inquirers at L’Abri. Schaeffer, as usual was ahead of the curve in this regard, taking on subjects that would most likely make most Christian counselors cringe even today. In his letters it can be found that Schaeffer responded to questions of marriage in general, finding a partner, dating,sexual relations, sexual sin, sexual relations before marriage, marrying non-Christians, re-marriage, homosexuality and lesbianism, homophilia, the meaning of love, eroticism, adultery, marital reconciliation, racial marriage, masturbation, platonic relationships, the significance of the marriage ceremony and certificate, male-female roles in marriage, birth control, contraception and abortion. Moreover, these are just the ones that made it into the Letters of Francis Schaeffer edited by Lane T. Dennis. Yet we know there is substantially more as there are over 30,000 pieces of personal correspondence in the Francis Schaeffer Collection.  


This paper will explore in depth Schaeffer’s specific teaching on the concepts he calls “form” and “freedom” in relation to marriage and explain the language he uses of “the proper legal circle.” Then it will elaborate on his emphasis on the exhibition of the personal and then focus on how Schaeffer places “the beauty of human relationships” as a primary focal point as a visible apologetic to the watching world that contrast the ugliness of a world which is intent on throwing off all marital restraints in society.


Dan Guinn

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