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13th Annual ISCA Conference

Meeting Date: 
Fri, 04/06/2018 - Sat, 04/07/2018
Meeting Info: 

The 2018 Conference of the International Society of Christian Apologetics will be held April 6-7 on the campus of Southern Evangelical Seminary near Charlotte, NC. The conference theme is "The Centrality of Christ in Apologetics" which focuses on confronting myths about Christ in atheism and culture and false perceptions of Jesus in American evangelical mysticism. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When and where will the ISCA conference be held?
    The 2018 ISCA conference will be held April 6-7, 2018 on the campus of Southern Evangelical Seminary near Charlotte, NC. located at 3000 Tilley Morris Rd. Matthews, NC 28105 (

  2. Does one have to be a member of ISCA to attend the conference?
    No. We welcome non-members and encourage them to consider joining ISCA.

  3. Does one have to be a member of ISCA to be a break-out presenter at the conference?
    Only members with dues current will be allowed to present at the conference.

  4. I'd like to become a member. How?
    If you qualify for membership (academic credentials, agree to doctrinal statement), we encourage you to submit a membership application.

  5. How can I be considered to be a presenter at the conference?
    In order to be considered to be a presenter, you need to submit a presentation proposal. Your proposal should consist of a paragraph or two summarizing the thesis of the presentation.

  6. When is the presentation proposal due?
    Presentation proposals should be submitted before the end of Dec. 1, 2017.

  7. How do I submit my presentation proposal?
    You can email your presentation proposal to ISCA Vice President Bill Roach.

  8. When will I know if my proposal is accepted?
    Decisions will be made by Jan. 1, 2018. We will email everyone who sent in proposals as to whether the proposal was accepted or not.

  9. What is the conference theme?
    The conference theme is "The Centrality of Christ in Apologetics." Presentations do not necessarily have to be on the conference theme.

  10. What is the conference schedule?
    The conference schedule has been finalized. Check it out.

Plenary Speakers

Michael Brown

Dr. Brown earned a Ph.D. at New York University and currently serves at the FIRE School of ministry and Southern Evangelical Seminary. He has preached throughout the United States and more than twenty nations and has written more than twenty books. He focuses specifically on Jewish apologetics, Old Testament, and Hebrew studies. He also hosts the daily Line of Fire radio program.

Michael Krueger

Michael Kruger

Dr. Kruger is the President and Samuel C. Patterson Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, NC. In addition, he is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America and serves as an Associate Pastor at Uptown PCA, Charlotte, NC. He is the former Vice-President of the Evangelical Theological Society, co-chair and cofounder of the New Testament Canon, Textual Criticism, and Apocryphal Literature study section for the Evangelical Theological Society. Some of his publications include: The Question of Canon, Christianity at the Crossroads, and The Heresy of Orthodoxy.